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General Health News

Home/General Health News

General health and medical News from Dr. Richard Levine and Priority Concierge MD in Boca Raton, FL. For more information call 561-368-0191.

Doctor’s Notes: Summer 2014 – Mind Body Medicine

“Summer’s here and the time is right…” – Mickey Stevenson & Marvin Gaye 1964 Welcome back to the time of year where one thinks of relaxing a bit and enjoying the things that longer daylight hours offer us. Something salubrious, a break from the regular day to day activities. It can […]

What’s New & Exciting

Coming back to this blog from a short hiatus, I'm excited to inform you about a few recent and upcoming developments that I've been working hard to implement to even further improve the top-rate services available through my practice [...]

Importance of Family Health

When you go to the doctor for the first time, you are asked to give a history of your medical problems. You should also be asked about the history of medical problems in your close family members—as well as those that may have been present in distant relatives going back at least two generations [...]

Stress Can Make You Sick

“Stress…a state of physiological or psychological strain caused by physical, mental or emotional stimuli that tend to disturb the functioning of an organism...